26 February 2021 - Impact Hub

OSHub is part of the H2020-SwafS-2018-2-two-stage program in partnership with Leiden University (lead partner), Trinity Collegge Dublin, Impact Hub Siracusa, Oni’Fait, Ars Electronica, Centre Culturel Scientifique et Technique Association, Science in CZ SRO, Municipio de Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Epistimi Epikoinonia.

The macro area of intervention of the project is social innovation through research and promotion of subjects (STEAM). Open Science Hub Network is a European network of community spaces in which schools are actively involved as agents for collaboration between civil society, businesses, research institutions and communities in general through learning opportunities in the so-called STEAM subjects, namely technology, engineering, art and mathematics, science. OSHubs will engage communities, including civic associations and families, in addressing local challenges using concepts and principles of inquiry-based scientific research (IBSE) and responsible research and innovation (RRI). Seven OSHubs will be established in seven partner countries across Europe to engage disadvantaged and multicultural groups. Each of the OSHubs will be co-led by local schools through partnerships established by OSHub partners in each country. Overall, OSHub’s core vision is to inspire, empower, and engage citizens – from school-age children to seniors – by working with schools to bring STEAM education to communities as a tool for their sustainable development

Impact Hub Syracuse is responsible for WP7 Sustainability&Legacy. It is tasked with supporting the partners in creating a sustainability plan for the OSHubs that includes the period after the end of the project. The aim is to ensure that hub initiatives can continue to make an impact after the end of the project. Impact Hub will also engage in internal dissemination of know-how and an external dissemination strategy for the hub.