Seby Sanfilippo
9 November 2019 - Ilenia Nicolosi

“Visionary, innovative and highly technological architecture for urban, social and eco-sustainable regeneration”

Seby, architect, has been working in an integrated and multidisciplinary way in the field of architectural design for over ten years.
Graduated from the University of the Faculty of Architecture in Palermo, in 2009 he created a working group, Metastudio design for human living, a studio linked by a strong human and professional partnership. The philosophy of the studio is to combine a contemporary language with the place where one intervenes, creating a strong union between new and existing architecture.
Promoter of a cultural challenge aimed at introducing a different logic of the urban project, which is based on the design and management of processes, on social quality and functional innovation, on the construction of public-private synergies and which requires a more articulated profile of competences compared to what the architecture sector has been entrusted to in the past, Seby today carries out the zerometroquadro project, which deals with the requalification, protection and enhancement of spaces that are no longer used and which offer themselves as opportunities to rethink the functions of the territory by developing new synergies between public, private and social. Winning project in 2014 of the “Social Innovation Lab” call promoted by – Network of Sicilian companies, develops development strategies, studies feasibility and promotes contemporary, innovative and sustainable projects to make the spaces better identifiable, improving the quality of life of citizens, creating greater social cohesion, increasing the attractiveness of the territory and increasing the production and cultural fruition.
“Le Corbusier’s three powers are no longer the same, today the three powers are: culture, education and training – Institutions, governance – the large displacements of information through the network.”
“Visionary, innovative and highly technological architecture for urban, social and eco-sustainable regeneration”